Baby Birds Everywhere I See; In the Rafters , In the Roses


My mom told me the other day that there was a nest just outside my sisters window, When I visited for my sisters birthday I was so excited to see this, I took this  photo still inside the house through the front window. its hard to tell but there are 5 of them. I really thought that the nest was beautiful there are still dried flowers attached to the stalks that are weaved in.

 A few weeks earlier I had went to my sisters rose bush to clean it up a bit after all the blooms died and I found this little guy just staring at me,he wasn’t scared  so I took this quick photo


He seems to live at the very bottom of the bus,h in the center of where the canes branch out,  He will climb to the top of the rose bush look around then snuggle back into his thorny lair.

First Commision, Apple and Rooster Apron


I finally finished my first commissioned apron. This is a fully reversible, 6 aprons in 1, and  triple thick ,this is a heavy duty apron.

025here it is reversed

She really wanted an apple and rooster apron, after searching 6 fabric stores for the right apple I came across this gem.


I never really wanted an apple fabric until now.  I am actually thinking of making my self a dress with it. The pockets are  copper metallic dot, and the black has tiny black apple blossoms that don’t really show on here. This was a lot of firsts for me, first making ruffles for a project, first collars ( free formed them I don’t even own a pattern with a collar) and first triple lined, all my others are dual layers. Took my 5 days in total.