Paris rose sachet


My sister in laws birthday is next week  I made her this sachet that is lace edged and stuffed with  a small amount of batting, dried lemon geraniums that I grew myself,I added some Bulgarian Rose oil that I received as a gift, it smells delightful. I absolutely love this fabric and bought 10 yards of it on a whim, ( really funny when a friend dropped by and witnessed me trying to fold 30 ft of fabric) Hope you guys like the new photos trying to step up my photography. Image

I love this oil smells so good, and I really like the wooden container the vial came in.

Liebster Award

I have been nominated for the liebster award   This is my second award and I am very excited

according to the rules of nomination I must

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you

2. Answer the 11 questions given to you

3. Nominate 11 other blogs with less than 500 followers

4. Post 11 questions for your nominees to answer

5.Tag your nominees & post a comment on their blog to let them know you nominated them

Thank you so much  The Memoirs of Tiffani for nominating me for this award

1. What/who motivates(ed) to blog?

I wanted to share my creations with others, and to get real opinions on them other than my families so I could grow more.

2 . How do you express yourself, besides blogging?

I love making things with my hands, I love to garden and to bake

3. What inspires you?

Most things can be beautiful if we allow it, so everything.

4. What is your  three favorite blogs?

Goodbye Valentino


Cristian Mihai

5. Why should you win a blogging award?

I’m not really sure I should, I’m  just glad that I am

6. Would you like to be famous?

Maybe although I think the pitfalls would out way the perks.

7. What is your biggest achievement?

I like to think it hasn’t happened yet

8. Do you wish you could get paid to blog?

That would be wonderful, as long as it didn’t ruin it for me

9. What would you do, if you woke up one morning, to find you had lost the contents of your blog?

Start a new one, at least I still would have my photos to revive it

10. Who would you thank in your blog award acceptance speech?

My husband, he  is the one to encourage me  even when i cant encourage myself

11. What is your favorite season?

Autumn the leaves changing color, dropping on the ground to be rustled around by the wind, love it.

My nominees are:

perpetual amateur

Iridescent Wings


Terri’s Notebook

The Rest Will Flow

I, Craftius

Ella and I

Laura After Midnight


The Plaid Portico


My 11 Questions for my nominees are

1 What is your favorite time period?

2 What makes you smile?

3 What is you favorite scent?

4 Do you have a collection? if yes then what?

5 If you could travel any where in the world where would it be?

6 Have you ever seen anything so beautiful it made you cry if so then what was it?

7 What is your favorite thing that you have recently discovered and would like to share?

8 Whats the nicest thing you have ever done for a stranger?

9 Whats the nicest thing a stranger has done for you?

10 If you had a song playing in the background of your life what would it be?

11 Whats one thing most people don’t know about you

Sorry some links are larger than others not really sure how it did that

Red Rose/Black Floral Purse

red-rose/black floral purse unfinished

red-rose/black floral purse unfinished

I started making myself this small purse, and while its unfinished, I wanted to share this with you. I have been considering making a pearl beaded handle, but have yet to commit to it. The red roses are actually two pockets and edged in this beautiful antique cream lace that I have been  referring to as buttermilk. I received the lace as a gift and  was found in a small shop in  Wisconsin along with 10 yards of forest green lace that you will be seeing a lot of soon.  The lining is a tiny white dot on a red background. I did a top stitching in an apple green thread. My favorite is the little red rose decorative button, its the cherry on top.

This bag is very similar to the first project I ever tried to sew on a machine, I completely butchered  it;  I wanted to quit but my husband encouraged me to finish no matter what it looked like, so I could see how far I  had come once I was better at sewing. I cried during  most of it with him at my side. He was so right when I came across that first bag recently I was amazed. that’s when I decided to make a new one, I altered it greatly cause the other was too small, and pockets that were mostly decorative. I’m very happy with this new one.

I highly suggest if you have had a project that almost defeated you ( or did )  to take it out, and look at how far your skills have come, and possibly try it again, at the very worst you can learn from it